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FDFA Opposes AG Brown’s RealPage Lawsuit Will Exacerbate Black Community’s Instate Housing Struggles
MONTGOMERY VILLAGE — Mr. Troy Rolling, President/CEO, The Frederick Douglass Freedom Alliance released the following statement in response to Maryland Attorney General Anthony Brown’s suit against RealPage:
On behalf of our Maryland Chapter, and the residents of Maryland, the birthplace of Frederick Douglass, we have dedicated our core mission to supporting and strengthening the Black family and promoting economic opportunity for all. Towards this end, we are concerned that Attorney General Brown’s lawsuit against straightforward rental pricing software will make it even more difficult for Black families to rise above their state’s alarming housing access and affordability crisis.
The Odds Are Already Stacked Against Black Families In The Old-Line State
When it comes to housing, the odds are already stacked against Black families in the Old-Line State. Maryland has become one of the most challenging states for low-income minority communities to secure affordable housing. That is why we are so concerned about Attorney General Brown’s lawsuit, which we fear is doubling down on the same failed policies of the past that got us to where we are today.
Maryland’s rent prices are already too high — and the number of properties available for rent here are too few — because of costly regulations. These regulations have made it too costly for many builders and landlords to construct and maintain new units here. They have shrunk the state’s housing supply, making the few properties that remain available tremendously expensive.
Cracking Down On Rent Software Will Only Worsen Black Families’ Housing Problems
If it’s successful, Brown’s suit against the industry’s pricing software will only make things worse. It will discourage even more builders and landlords from maintaining rental properties here, further limiting the number of units available while increasing their costs.
The real solution to this crisis is not more regulations but less. After cutting back on zoning laws and other mandates, Austin, Texas and other cities have realized an increase in their housing supplies and a reduction in their rental costs. Instead of going after pricing software, Maryland leaders should follow their lead.
Troy Rolling
Troy Rolling is President of the Frederick Douglass Freedom Alliance. The Frederick Douglass Freedom Alliance is a grassroots organization committed to advancing freedom, economic empowerment and individual liberty. Inspired by the legacy of Frederick Douglass, the alliance seeks to educate and engage citizens through grassroots activism and policy advocacy.
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