HomePosts tagged: black family

Posts tagged: black family

Giving Thanks for Common-Sense Leadership and Biblical Principles

In this week of Thanksgiving, I am grateful for so many things. I am particularly grateful that the American people have given us an opportunity to return to common-sense policies and Biblical principles. As President-elect Trump builds his Cabinet, the latest CBS poll shows that almost 60% of Americans are pleased with his nominees and likely the direction he is …

Black Families Were Wealthier & Healthier Under Trump

Historic Low Unemployment: In August 2019, Black unemployment hit a record low of 5.4%, positively affecting over 1 million Black workers. First Step Act: Over 3,000 Black inmates gained freedom or sentence reductions thanks to criminal justice reform. Opportunity Zones: Over 1.5 million Black Americans lived in Opportunity Zones, benefiting from $75 billion in private investment, lifting communities nationwide. Permanent …